About us

Our Values

Freedom to Express
Learning and Supporting
Leadership Development

Our Goals


To help artists reach their full potential by doing what they love with confidence.


To bring widespread credit and awareness to each collaborator.


To increase the number of jobs provided to creatives in the future of the Arts and Fashion Industry; starting with the youth and young adults.

The Art Collab

“To create a community of passionate individuals dedicated to helping others while learning more for themselves. We all strive to reach our highest potentials.”
“To expose the work of talented youth and young adults by providing a platform, space and resources for creative success.”

Why TAC?


Collaboration is important because success is best found as a collective.

Architect Walter Gropius said “Let us strive for, conceive and create the new building of the future that will unite every discipline, architect and sculpture and painting, and which will one day rise heavenwards from the million hands of craftsmen as a clear symbol of a new belief to come.”

We are practising this ideology and it has proved its effectiveness at each Collaboration. We are going to promote one another, support one another, and inspire one another. The future is ours to create.

the art collab - about us

© The Art Collab 2021. All rights reserved.
